Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Making the Most of It

The title of this post is the last thing that my dad said to me as he left me at SFO with my 75 lb duffel filled with school supplies. I think nothing more perfect and timely could’ve been appropriate as his parting words. The reason I say this is because during my three week (incredible) whirlwind back in the US, I did a lot of reflecting on my Peace Corps experience, thus far. A lot of this was due to the questions I received about my experience, from genuinely interested people. Basically, I often question the impact of Peace Corps (at least in Cameroon), even though I know I’m not going to change the country, let alone an entire community. Also, I’m unsure how fulfilling the experience truly is, and I may not fully realize this until long after I have finished my service. I don’t at all regret becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer and truly feel this is where I belong right now, it just was difficult to leave my Cameroonian bubble and have a QUICK taste of the other reality that is my life in the United States. So…I’m planning to make the most of it, for the remaining 14 or so months of my service!

Before I go with my neighbors, Peter and Carine, to deliver the abundance of school supplies that so many of you (and your coworkers, friends and family) donated, I just wanted to personally thank you for your support and commitment to helping those less fortunate! As I said above, the school supplies donated were MANY and I began accepting monetary donations towards the end, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to carry more. Those donations ended up going towards the cost of shlepping the duffel from Pittsburgh to San Francisco and then from San Francisco to Douala, Cameroon – so thank you, they came in handy! After I come back from GHS Aduk, I will be sure to give you all an update, with pictures included.

Ever since returning from the States at the end of August, I’ve been quite busy away from Fundong. I almost immediately turned around and headed to Yaounde because I, and four others from my training group, was accepted to help out with the design of the upcoming training for the Community Health Volunteers who will be arriving this week! (I can’t believe I’ve just about been in this country for one entire year) I spent close to two weeks there both designing the training and determining which sessions I would be co-facilitating throughout their training. Here they are:

• Role as a Facilitator/Training of Trainers Approaches
• NGO Development/Capacity Building
• Action Planning
• Nutrition & Nutrition Applications for both Health & Agroforestry Trainees
• Cameroonian Education System

I’ll also be one of the representatives presenting on the Peer Support Network (one of the committees I was selected for in April) and also a new session on Resiliency Training. As a result of this, I’m busy brainstorming and preparing these sessions and will be going to Bafia, the location of the new training site, a couple of times in the upcoming months. I’m very excited about this; it just means that my ability to get work done at post will not be as easy.

As I get a grasp on my other work in Fundong, I’ll be sure to update you.

I’m hoping that this blog update is finding all of you happy, healthy and successful!

Take care, be in touch!

Until next time,
